
Our Projects

Our Problem Statement

Children and youth homelessness is an increasingly prevalent issue in major African cities. According to UNICEF, in Africa, there are 30 million children and youths living on the streets. In Ghana, estimates suggest that there are about 204,000 homeless youth and children. In Accra alone, this ranges from 35,000 in 2009 to 90,000 in 2013 (Oppong Asante, 2019).

The cause of youth and children homelessness include: poverty, disintegrated families and divorce, the quest for freedom from parental control, increase drug use, mental health issues, high unemployment and low employability, unaffordable housing, lack of of education and opportunities, and teenage pregnancy (Oduro, 2012, Orme 2007, Oppong Asante 2019).

In Ghana, homeless youths are considered as one of the most vulnerable groups as they are faced with greater risks compared with other young adults (Oppong Asante, 2019). In Accra, homeless children and youths mostly work as porters, sales workers and in some cases commercial sex workers. These activities put them at risk of physical and sexual assaults, road accidents, drug addiction, psychological trauma and diseases such as HIV/AIDS and Malaria (Tadesse et al., 2013). To cope with these challenges some of the children and youths have resorted to the use of drugs, unprotected sex, and criminal activities.

Youth and children homelessness is costly to Ghana’s social, political and economic stability as a lot of these individuals do not have access to education, or the skills to contribute to the development of the country. As a result, the implementation of social interventions that will address this issue is crucial.

Studies have shown that street youth and children are RESILIENT (Malindi et, al., 2013, Oppong Asante, 2019). Some are able to find means to cope with their challenges by fostering relationships with other youths and creating small scale opportunities and personal resources based on their environment. Specifically, strong religious belief, sense of humour, engagement in meaningful social interactive activities, reciprocal friendship, adherence to cultural norms and support from community-based organizations have also been identified as factors that help homeless youth to survive (Oppong Asante, 2019).

We acknowledge and respect the strength and resilience of Ghanaian street youths and children and we are committed to support them in their journey of survival and resilience by providing them a temporary home where they can continue grow, and be transformed to be leaders, entrepreneurs and agents of change.

 We call them DREAMERS.

Our Solution

Our First Five-Year-Strategic Plan is to provide temporary shelter for street youth in Accra first and transcend this concept to other cities. Within this period of accommodating them, they shall have access to counselling, education, training and opportunities to pursue life-time dreams and goals set which should eventually keep them off the street life into productive and responsible contributors of the Ghanaian economy.  They shall then be graduated into life and monitored for years to ensure they succeed, whiles engaging them into research and national outreach campaigns to address youth homelessness at its core.

Father Lucky started this journey of supporting homeless youth to make something out of their hustle informally, over a decade ago and setting up JenX Youth Hub International is a way to formalize his efforts and to ensure that beneficiaries are receiving holistic and impactful services.  Our Target is Female and Male Homeless Youths between the ages of 13 to 24 in the city of Accra. As the concept grows, we plan to expand operations to other cities of the country.

Whiles we wait to get to the major dream that must be sustained throughout the life-span of JenX Youth Hub, we have already started implementing some of the techniques that we have tested to help resolve the problem for some of the youth who do have accommodation in Accra but find it difficult to stick to such places as homes. There are various programs that we engage in throughout our calendar year.

Core Values

Respect and Trust

Entrepreneurship and Leadership

Commitment to family-hood




Our Programs

Pada Festival

Showcase the latest trends and innovations towards achieving the entire dream of the JenX Youth Hub. Having a big dream, our intent right now is to realize it in bits of successful levels. What matters is that at the end of the story whether in our time of beyond, a legacy is created.

Inspire all stakeholders to embrace their own unique style and feel confident in their individual contributions towards ensuring that the grand dream of an established training centre is realized. Whiles paying detail attention to the trail blazers of the family line to include all individual contributions.

JenX Food & Job Security Project/ Initiative

The project aims to address the challenges faced by homeless youth by providing them with opportunities for skill development and job security through sustainable food and animal production. By establishing a comprehensive program, we intend to equip these individuals with necessary skills to not only secure employment but also contribute to local food production and community development.

JenX Streetwise Project/Program

The JenX Streetwise Program is a comprehensive initiative aimed at
addressing the challenges faced by homeless youth in Ghana. By
investing time and energy, the project seeks to understand the
unique circumstances that lead youth to the streets and provide
tailored solutions to facilitate their reintegration into society.

Community Outreach Program

“Father Lucky” begun informally supporting homeless youths in Accra over a year ago and this center is a way to formalize his efforts and to ensure that beneficiaries are receiving holistic and
impactful services. Our Target is Female and Male Homeless Youths between the ages of 13 to 24 in the city of Accra. As the centre grows, we plan to expand operations to other cities of the
country. This Centre when implemented will be the first of its kind in Ghana.


The boot camps, with their focus on active lifestyles and discipline, lay the
foundation for physical and mental well-being. It’s a great way to instill a
sense of purpose and structure in the lives of the youth you’re working
The workshops, on the other hand, tap into their creativity and potential.
By inspiring them to dream and nurturing their entrepreneurial spirit,
you’re giving them tools to shape their own destinies. It’s not just about
survival; it’s about thriving and finding fulfillment.

Jenx Day Program Policy Book

Our engagement with youth on the streets of Accra has given us some dynamic
answers to the nature of homelessness in Ghana.
Whiles some youth have no houses to stay and live on the streets, others have
houses but have good reasons to choose the streets as homes which includes
escaping from abuse and economic hardships.
This initiative seeks to provide an in-depth understanding of some core
fundamental issues behind homelessness through an active engagement with
homeless youth at regular intervals.

Home4youth Initiative

To address Youth Homelessness in Ghana at its core, the JenX Youth Hub International will implement the
Home4Youth Initiative which is a community-based early intervention program that is designed to help young people (ages 15–24) who are at risk of or in the early stages of homelessness. This initiative is at the core of our early intervention approach in which the goal of is to help young people stay connected to their family, community and school, and to strengthen connections to natural supports in order to prevent and/or reduce the risk of homelessness. Under this initiative, the JenX Hub will partner with Ghana police, the courts, the government, schools and various youth intervention institutions to refer to us youths that are at risk of homelessness.

Request for proposal

Request for proposal

Join the movement

Join JenX Agents Of Change Club  

Jenx Agent Of Change Club- JACC


Jenx Gather and Share (Annual Donation)

JenX Gather and Share (Annual Donation) We pick up clothing, shoes, non-perishable foods, toiletries, and household items throughout the year into storage. At the end of every fiscal year, we share them out to the youth under our care as our annual donation. This is a great opportunity for corporate bodies to fulfill their social responsibilities to our community

Cash donation

You can donate in cash to support our programs through bank transfer and mobile money.

Youth Sponsorship Offer

One can choose to support any number of youth directly. You do so you contacting us to discuss which dreamer you want, understand what they are doing already a d contribute directly towards their future. We can make arrangements for your support to go through an investment package with our partners.

We need Your support Today !